
Song For A Pet Videos

Here are some of the various videos I have also created for clients. The basic song writing package I provide does not come with a video included. But it can be purchased as an add on. See pricing for more info on costsings.

When Ralph Went Missing – I wrote this song about this black labrador dog when I found out he’d gone missing in Pipe Hall Farm one sunny Saturday evening in Spring. It tells the tale of what happened, how folks were on the lookout for him and what happened when he was eventually found.


Burrito Burrito Parka The Cavapoo – Parka is the friendliest dog you’ll ever meet. He doesn’t really get involved with other dogs and we suspect he thinks of himself as a human not a dog. Parka is a cavapoo / cavoodle whose favourite blanket has a burrito design on it. One of his many fun quirks is that he likes to “Save stones” from out of streams and rivers. We’re not entirely sure what it’s all about but it’s a lot of fun watching him dunk his head in the cold-cold water to help there poor pebbles out.



Teegy Weegy Tegan The Westie – A song for infants and little kids to sing along to about what a West Highland Terrier like to get up to on a daily occurance. Sometimes it’s fun to write simple songs to encourage little ones to sing along to and get into the spirit of music.




Duck Island – I wrote this song a few years ago while in the shower looking at some complimentary  shower gel called “Duck Island” I had stolen obtained from a hotel somewhere while performing away with my indie rock wedding band Punch The Air. I thought it would be fun to take it all back to the 1960s / 1970s with a Brian Cant feel from Camberwick Green / Trumpton / Chigley vibe. Ah, the Golden era of kids TV, back when the world was still sain.











Chompy Face

Pepper is a schnoodle and she is auntie to Arlo the cavapoo puppy. Arlo loves to get Peppers attention by playfully biting at her face. He will bite at her beard, moustache or ears in the hopes of being played with. Arlo never realised that Pepper would learn this little trick herself back from him and chomp at his face too. So now they have endless fun playing the CHOMPY FACE game all day long…..Bless ’em.


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